lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

investigando acerca del Dios.

Como hasta ahora todas mis investigaciones se habían limitado, mas que todo a la diosa, y ahora me toco al otro lado, entonces he tratado de empezar a investigar online, todas las fuentes sobre este tema. He encontrado diferentes cosas, sobre todo acerca de la historia, y los diferentes nombres que ha tomado. Uno de los mejores resumenes que encontre fue en esta pg., copiaría aca el texto PERO resulta que tiene copyright, y la señora es como muy estricta con eso, entonces mejor van y miran ahí.
Lo que si dice, es que ha tenido diferentes nombres, como cernunnos y que es la representación de la energía masculina.
Encontre esto en una enciclopedia online:
horned god. Depictions of early Celtic deities bearing horns are usually thought to be Cernunnos when no other name is given; at some sites, however, Gaulish Mercury and Silvanus as well as Cocidius are represented with horns. The Irish heroes Feradach Fechtnach and Furbaide Ferbend bear horns, as does the monstrous creature from the Scottish Gaelic folklore, beannach-nimhe [horned poison].
JAMES MacKILLOP. "horned god." A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. 2004. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from
tambien busque, cernunnos, y salio esto:
Cernunnos [L, the horned one]. An important (perhaps principal) god of the Continental Celts, a lord of nature, animals, fruit, grain, and prosperity. He is portrayed as having a man's body and the horns of a stag; his figure is seen in a squatting position, and he wears or carries the sacred torc often associated with the Continental Celts. Although his name is known from only one inscription (and is there partially obliterated, ‘—ernunnos’), the evidence for Cernunnos' widespread worship is impressive; he is, for example, portrayed on the Gundestrup Cauldron. More than thirty other representations survive, dispersed from what is today Romania to Ireland. There are convincing traces of him in the literary traditions of both Wales and Ireland; and in later illuminated manuscripts, figures evoking Cernunnos are symbolic of devilish and anti-Christian forces. The Breton pseudo-saint Korneli, a patron of horned creatures, also shows traces of Cernunnos. In Gaulish representation he has a ram-headed servant. Julius Caesar identified him with the Roman god Dis Pater. Later commentators have sought to link him with Conall Cernach and the Hindu Pashupati, a ‘lord of the beasts’. His posture has also been compared to that of Buddha, but it may only reflect the fact that Continental Celts squatted on the floor and did not use chairs.


See P. B. Bober , ‘Cernunnos: Origin and Transformation of a Celtic Divinity’, American Journal of Archaeology, 55 (1951), 13–51;
also the dissertation of Dorothea Kenny , ‘Cernunnos’(UCLA, 1975), Dissertation Abstracts, 36 (1975), 3016A.
JAMES MacKILLOP. "Cernunnos." A Dictionary of Celtic Mythology. 2004. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from

Notese que estoy tratando de poner las pg. de donde lo saque, asi respetando el copyright de las pg. de las que saco info, y para que si algun desprevenido lee esto, pues que por lo menos sepa donde puede ver lo que yo investigue.

En resumen, hasta aca, lo que he encontrado es que el astado, tiene relación con cernunnos que era un dios celta y que representa la energia masculina, y la union con la diosa, tambien al rey de la tierra que se puede llegar a sacrificar por el bienestar de esta. (Esto tambien se puede dar por entendido si uno lee las nieblas de avalon)

Por otro lado, encontre la invocación al Dios, hecha por Doreen Valiente (todos sabemos, la segunda al mando de Gardner)

The Horned God

By the flame that burneth bright,
O Horned One!
We call thy name into the night,
O Ancient One!
Thee we invoke, by moon-led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
The we invoke, where gather thine own,
By the nameless shrine forgotten and alone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goatfoot god!
By moonlit meadow on dusky hill,
When the haunted wood is hushed and still,
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke thy powers, that potent bide
In shining stream and the secret tide,
In fiery flame by starlight pale,
In shadowy host that rides the gale,
And by the fern-brakes fairy haunted
Of forests wild and woods enchanted.
Come! O come!
To the heart-beat’s drum!
Come to us who gather below
When the broad white moon is climbing slow
Through the stars to the heaven;s height.
We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree-branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know thee nigh.
We speak the spell thy power unlocks
At solstice, Sabbat, and equinox,
Word of virtue the veil to rend,
From primal dawn to the wide world’s end,
Since time began–
The blessing of Pan!
Blessed be all in hearth and hold,
Blessed in all worth more than gold.
Blessed be in strength and love,
Blessed be wher’er we rove.
Vision fade not from our eyes
Of the pagan paradise
Past the gates of death and birth,
Our inheritance of the earth.
From our soul the song of spring
Fade not in our wandering.
Our life with all life is one,
By blackest night or noonday sun.
Eldest of gods, on thee we call,
Blessing be on thy creatures all.
Doreen Valiente
“Witchcraft For Tomorrow” pp. 190-191
Copyright John Belham-Payne

De esta pg:

También encontre la siguiente leyenda, pues fuera de cernunnos tambien se le da el nombre de Herne:

Herne was one of the keepers of the Forest of Windsor during the reign of King
Richard II and known for his great hunting and woodcraft skills. While King
Richard favored Herne, his fellow hunters it is said hated him and plotted to
cause his downfall.

One day while the royal party was out on a hunt the King was nearly killed when
attacked by a stag. Herne stepped in to help the King and took the main blow, then
fell to the floor. He seemed to be dead. Suddenly a dark figure appeared
amongst the party and announced himself as Philip Urswick. He then
proceeded to inform the King that for a reward he would cure Herne.

After cutting the head off the stag and binding it to Herne's head, the party took
Herne to Urswick's own hut which was located on Bagshot Heath. Urswick
vowed that he would take great care of Herne. King Richard then announced
that if Herne recovered he would promote Herne to be the chief keeper of the forest.

Unbeknownst to the King the other hunters were later in contact with Urswick.
They told Urseick of their loathing for the favored keeper, announcing that they
were disappointed that he had not died in the incident. Urswick promised the
hunters revenge but only if his first wish and the reward was granted. He told
them that Herne would recover but would loose all his hunting skills. Satisfied
with his answer, the hunters agreed.

Keeping his promise to the King it seemed, Urswick soon had Herne returned to
court whereupon he was promoted to Chief Keeper. Herne seemed to have
recovered thoroughly until it became apparent that his hunting skills had
disappeared. The King was extremely disappointed with Herne and revoked the
promotion. It is said that this is the reason why Herne, being so grieved by the
King's actions, hanged himself from an Oak tree in Windsor forest. His body then
disappeared under suspicious circumstances.

Urswick did not reveal the charm that he had cast upon Herne to the King. A
new chief hunter was appointed but he too, once promoted, lost his skill. The
same happened to his successor too. Urswick was asked to remove the charm.
Before making any agreement, Urswick informed the hunters that they would
have to meet him at the Oak. Once there they would be told what had to be
done to dispel the charm.

The group of hunters arrived at the Oak as asked and after waiting a short time
Urswick appeared. He told the them that Herne's death was on each of them
and that horses and hounds should be brought to the oak the next night.
Agreeing they made preparations and returned to the forest. On reaching the
Oak, Herne appeared on a horse and told them to follow him to another area of
the forest. Herne took the party to a Beech tree and whilst there Urswick
suddenly appeared out of the tree covered in flames. Herne had summoned
Urswick to appear. Urswick then made the party swear an oath to
Herne that they would form a band of hunters with
Herne as their leader to dispel the charm.

Urswick's promise had been satisfied and the hunters became a faithful if not
loving band of men loyal to Herne. For many nights the group would raid the
forest taking deer until very few were left. King Richard came to learn of their
pursuits, and decided to make a visit to he oak. He was angry and desired
revenge upon the men.

Once there Herne appeared to the king and learnt of his
anger. Herne listened and said that if the King wished
him to leave the forest, taking his power with him, the King would have
to agree to a request. Doubtless Herne wanted revenge upon his enemies who
had desired his death. The King agreed to his request, and the group of men
were hanged. Herne was then never seen again.

It is reputed though that Herne returned and reigned supreme, taking control of
the forest of Windsor for eight years after the death of King Richard.

Many versions of the Herne legend exist. Some say that Herne hanged himself
after committing a terrible crime, whilst another tells of a forest demon that
takes on his appearance. The demon is said to place stag horns on its head
haunting the forest still trying to convince keepers that it is Herne and that they
should sell their souls to him.

Esto lo saqué de la siguiente pg.:

Pero aún mas interesante fue encontrar una cosa llamada : The charge of the god,

El asunto es el siguiente, yo siempre habia oido la version de la diosa, pero ahora resulta que hay otra, que es esta:

The Charge of the God

Listen to the words of the Horned God, the Guardian of all
things wild and free, and Keeper of the Gates of Death,
whose Call all must answer:

I am the fire within your heart...
The yearning of your Soul.
I am the Hunter of Knowledge
and the Seeker of the Holy Quest
I - who stand in the darkness of light
am He whom you have called Death.
I - the Consort and Mate of Her we adore,
call forth to thee.
Heed my call beloved ones,
come unto me and learn the secrets of death and peace.
I am the corn at harvest
and the fruit on the trees.
I am He who leads you home.
Scourge and Flame,
Blade and Blood -
these are mine and gifts to thee.

Call unto me in the forest wild
and on hilltop bare
and seek me in the Darkness Bright.
I - who have been called;
Osiris ,
and Hades,
speak to thee in thy search.
Come dance and sing;
come live and smile,
for behold:
this is my worship.
You are my children and I am thy Father.
On swift night wings
it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet
to be reborn and to return again.
Thou who thinks to seek me,
know that I am the untamed wind,
the fury of storm and passion in your Soul.
Seek me with pride and humility,
but seek me best with love and strength.
For this is my path,
and I love not the weak and fearful.
Hear my call on long Winter nights
and we shall stand together guarding Her Earth
as She sleeps.

El asunto, es que no es la unica versión:

Esta salio de esta pg.:

En esta pg. pueden encontrar otras versiones:

En todo caso, ya poniendome en cuentos, encontre esto:

How to Attune to the Wiccan Horned God
willowsidhe Member
By Willow Sidhe
eHow Community Member
Article Rating: (5 Ratings)
Cernunnos (The Horned God)
Cernunnos (The Horned God)

Attune to the Wiccan Horned God, sometimes known as Cernunnos or Herne, but most generally referred to as the God of the Sun, the wild places and animals, the hunt, sexuality, fertility, abundance and the underworld.

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Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need:

* A place of solitude
* Spare time in the early morning
* Gold or Yellow taper candle

Step 1

Wake at dawn and go out of doors, somewhere where you won't be observed or disturbed. If you live in a rural area, this will be quite easy. If you live in an urban area, you can use a patio, balcony or even stay indoors near an open window where you can watch the sun rise.
Step 2

Bask in the rays of the dawning sun, concentrating on the energy and warmth of the God. Feel him fill your spirit and most importantly, reach out. Visualization is an important skill. Visualize the God as virile and strong, perhaps in his youthful or fatherly guise.
Step 3

Chant or pray, as you wish. Use a memorized chant to help focus your concentration or just speak/chant/sing from your heart. Continue this exercise as long as you wish.
Step 4

Notice the abundance of the earth around you and reach out mentally to any wild animals you encounter throughout the day. See the Horned God in all things and all people. Feel him with you, in you and around you.
Step 5

Perform a small ritual in his honor at night before bed. If you have a shrine or altar, this is a good place to perform this rite. Light a yellow or gold candle (representative of the God and Sun) and concentrate on the male energy of Deity. Visualize the Horned God as he has revealed himself to you and once again, let him fill you. Chant or pray to help shift your consciousness.
Step 6

Perform these simple rituals as often as you like, preferably on a daily basis, to attune with the Wiccan Horned God. Eventually, you will grow closer and closer to Him. Observe the changes in the seasons and see the God's hand in all of nature's moods. Enjoy your growing relationship with the Great Father!

de esta pg:

Quien dijo que no había un How to para todo?

En fin, realmente creo que como siempre hay mucha cosa, pero nada en serio, y eso es bastante complicado, porque que parte se supone que cree uno? Pienso que lo mejor es como dejarse guiar por el instinto, y por las propias meditaciones, se que hay unas como prediseñadas, pero no tengo claro ahora donde estan, asi que si las encuentro las pondre aca.
Me parece que uno puede tener clara la historia, y de donde sale la idea del dios, pero tambien debe haber una relación con la vida personal de uno, osea, en que medida saber esto le ayuda a uno .. mejor dicho, cada cual, apesar de todo este "conocimiento" debera, como siempre, buscar sus propias explicaciones.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

los diferentes niveles en la wicca y otras cosas.

Pues, he estado pensando mucho en mi actual estado "espiritual", claro, uno puede decir que si ha alcanzado cosas, que ha hecho cosas, pero la pregunta es que sigue ahora?
Yo creo que esta pregunta es normal y natural a todos lo que de alguna manera siguen un camino espiritual, sin importar cual sea. pero siendo este mi caso, siendo que soy Wiccan, la pregunta real es, cual es mi siguiente paso.
Se que desde que empece he enfocado toda mi energía a trabajar con la diosa, y tratar de entender de que se trata el culto a la diosa. Creo que igual cada pagano tiene su forma personal de entender esto, cada cual, averigua a su manera.
Yo creo que tengo una relación digamos, bien amigable con la diosa, siempre que hago meditaciones con ella, me va bien, me responde lo que pregunto, me enseña cosas etc. Esta bien, siempre me siento protegida. Creo que es una relación personal con una divindad.
En este punto, debo decir que muchas personas eligen un panteon, yo decidi de momento no relacionarme con un panteon determinado, y mas bien, trabajar con la diosa como tal. Me imagino que en el momento que necesite un panteón en específico pues las cosas se irán presentando.
Desde la última meditación seria, me dijeron que empezara a trabajar con el dios. Esto fue muy sorpresivo, y aunque no voy a empezar aca a describir mis meditaciones, si voy a decir que las sorpresas definitivamente, no las ve venir uno. He pensado mucho mucho en esto, y no lo he empezado a hacer...pero bueno. Como dice mi amiga micaela..lo que es de uno es de uno y si le van a dar le guardan.
La duda que me persigue ahora es el cuento de los niveles de iniciación. La verdad empecé a buscar solo por curiosdiad, para ver de que se trataba. No he encontrado tantas cosas como me gustaría, he encontrado este link: que describe la iniciación de segundo nivel de la siguiente manera:
Second degree: Many people never move beyond 1st degree- which is fine, but some who do want to deepen their knowledge and extend their Craft skills into such areas as craft-work, herbalism, incense making, practical magick, ritual and ceremony, and who want to be much more actively involved in rituals, the running of the Coven and its circles, training and helping new initiates and candidates, and other more challenging areas; do aspire to 2nd degree.

It must be stressed before we go any further that 2nd and 3rd degrees bring responsibility- there is a saying that "Rank brings its privileges", but in the Craft that shifts to "Rank brings responsibilities". '2nd degrees within most Covens are usually involved in mustering up the 1st degrees to get organised, and in the delegation of necessary tasks such as cleaning and setting up the temple, laying out food and similar tasks, but that's never an excuse for anyone 'throwing their weight around'.

Eso, realmente no dice mucho, en todo caso pues es medianamente obvio que cualquier diferencia de nivel en cualquier cosa es cuestión de mas responsabilidad y conocimiento.
El otro link que encontre dice:
Second degree
Second degree initiation is focussed on the horned God. The rites are different for male and female. In our circle both ceremonies include a vigil, and ordeal. After this ceremony the initiate assumes the title of High Priest/ess. He/she has the obligation to teach and to help along the beginners and neophytes. Generally speaking there cannot be less than a year and a day between first and second degrees.
eso me dejo un poco..como que? Para estas personas, el segundo grado es estudio en el dios? bueno...jajajaja un poco irónico.
Seguiré buscando, y pues, le pediré ayuda a mi amiguito drevon a ver que información tiene el en el asunto.
En todo caso, parece ser que el camino del paganismo siempre es el de búsqueda.